March 14, 2004

Early Sunday Update ...

Headed off for The L.A. Comic Book Sci-Fi Convention tomorrow most likely if I don't oversleep. At the least, I'll be interested to see how much the floor dealers are going to be overcharging for Biker Chick II from McFarlane.

But yeah, they just added Darryl Hannah, she'll be there at 11 am -- which is the same time that Laura Elena Harring will be there. Decisions ... decisions ...

This ...

Or Elle Driver?

I think I'll stick with Laura, but we'll see. My interest leans strongly to shapely brunettes. Plus I do want to get my Mulholland Drive DVD autographed ....

Plus Darryl will be at Wizardworld L.A. on Saturday, I'll stalk her then I assume ...

Speaking of brunettes ....

Cat Schwartz from Tech Tv was on Howard Stern on Thursday of last week talking about something called Dildonics. The particulars of it sounded really kinky, where a girl could basically sort of pleasure herself while a computer monitored her temperature, cavity shape, movements etc. and saved them as a file so they could be used to simulate her for a male user with a similar device for a guy. Leads to lots of kinky threesome ideas. Of course this all years down the line, but what would that be, like some form of really imaginative masturbation or a menage a trois with your girlfriend and her algorhythmic doppleganger. I tell ya, whoever said it is right, all of technology is ultimately geared towards the end of getting you off in one way or another.

Posted by Vic at March 14, 2004 08:33 AM
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